
What is Lypossage?

A specific detoxifying and body contouring treatment that results in dramatic inch loss, cellulite reduction and/or a natural facelift.

Lypossage is based on research done by Charles Wiltsie in 1999 with 100 women. He showed a 6+ average inch loss in the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen from this procedure.

The 3 Zones of Lypossage:

Each Zone is done in an 18-treatment protocol to see measurable results. The cost per zone is $1170 for 18 treatments.

Zone 1: Thighs, Hips, and Abdomen

  • Diminish the appearance of cellulite in areas that tend to be problematic
  • Improved muscle and skin tone
  • Feel better in your body!

Zone 2: Back, Chest, and Arms

  • Dimensional loss in arms and abdomen
  • Improves your posture
  • Natural firming of bust area
  • Improve circulation and lymphatic flow to your upper body

Zone 3: Neck and Face

  • Lift and tone sagging tissue in your face and neck with dramatic results
  • Diminish the appearance of wrinkles
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • This treatment is like receiving a “natural face lift”

Case Studies